In these Rules:
“Occupier” means anyone who occupies a park home, whether under an Agreement to which the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies or under a tenancy or any other Agreement.
“you” and “your” refers to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home.
“we” and “our” refers to Whelpley Hill Park Limited.
These Rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the Agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.
None of these Rules are to have retrospective effect. Accordingly:
They are to apply only from the date on which they take effect, which is 1st January 2021 and no occupier who is in occupation at that date will be treated as being in breach due to circumstances which were in existence before that date.
Residents are required to comply with the requirements of the Park Licence, Company Rules, Mobile Homes Act, local bye-laws and local Fire Regulations as well as any other Statutory Regulations in force now and in the future.
The plot must be kept clean and tidy at all times:
No rubbish may remain for more than two weeks and must be stored in approved bags or containers. If a resident fails to keep their plot in a tidy condition as per the Park Rules, then the Board will arrange for their plot to be put in a tidy condition and the resident will be charged for the cost.
Rubbish not suitable for collection by the Local Authority should be taken to the Local Authority tip.
N.B. Any problems encountered with the disposal of rubbish should be directed to the Park Manager who will endeavour to assist.
Park home owners must maintain their pitch, including gardens and any structural outbuildings belonging to or enjoyed with the pitch, in a clean and tidy condition. Failure to do this will result in the Park paying for any works needed and being charged to the resident.
Homes must be kept in a sound state of repair and the outside of the home maintained in a clean and tidy condition. The exterior of the home should be painted at least every 5 years. With the exception of homes clad in fireproof cladding with the appropriate warranty and homes clad in VinylitTherm stonechip cladding or similar with appropriate warranty. Copies of said warranty to be held on file in the park office.
The area underneath the mobile home must NOT be used for storage
No bonfires are allowed, no Chinese lanterns are allowed, no fireworks are allowed, no firepits are allowed. No disposable BBQs are permitted. BBQs are allowed if gas powered or brick built or off ground BBQs with metal legs. To be used within the curtilage of the Pitch strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and in line with all relevant health and safety guidance in force from time to time and ensuring the use of the BBQ does not contravene the Site Licence conditions or any other applicable statute, law or by-law.
Any alterations, construction or development to the plot must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to commencement of any work, and must be applied for in writing, accompanied by a drawing where possible.
Boundaries may not be altered in any way.
Fences or walls may only be erected with the written approval of the Board.
You must ensure that any structure erected in the separation space between park homes is of non-combustible construction and positioned so as to comply with the Park’s site license conditions and fire safety requirements.
Gardens may be landscaped by the occupiers as they so wish (and once approved by the Board of Directors), with the following constraints:
There is no contravention of the Mobile Homes Act, local Bye-Laws, Fire Regulations or Park Rules;
A continuous hedge shall only be permitted within 6 metres of any adjacent mobile home if the size is restricted to no more than 1.5 metres(5 feet) high and 0.5 metres(1.6 feet) wide. No hedge must form a connection between homes.
A tree, shrub or bush (not hedges) shall only be permitted in the 6 metre space between homes where the size or density of any such tree, shrub or bush is such as not to be capable of aiding transmission of fire between homes.
Public places and paths should not be littered in any way and hedges on the said footpaths should be kept to no more than 1.5 metres(5 feet) high and 0.5 metres(1.6 feet) wide. Trees should be kept to the same height.
Failure to comply with the above will result in the Park paying for any works needed and being charged to the resident.
Vehicles: motorised vehicles are allowed onto the Park under the following conditions:
Maximum speed limit is 10 miles per hour and vehicles must be driven carefully and the correct way around the Park.
Vehicles may not be parked on the roads of the Park except for loading and unloading on which there is a 15 minute time limit.
Cars can be parked beside the occupier’s mobile home, provided a facility has been made for this. A resident may park a second car on their home plot provided there is a facility and standing base for it. The second base should be at right angles, see “allowed” diagram. Cars may not be parked either side of the home, see “not allowed” diagram. THESE ARE SITE LICENSING REGULATIONS.

Cars may not be parked on the roads on the park or on grass verges.
Vehicles must be kept to authorised parking spaces.
All visitors must park in the car park provided.
Unlicensed vehicles may not be driven on the Park (this includes mini motos, motorised scooters etc) and untaxed vehicles (SORN) may not be parked in the car park.
Learner drivers are not permitted to drive on the Park except to gain access to and from their homes, and must be accompanied by a qualified driver.
Disused/unroadworthy vehicles must be removed from the Park. WHP Limited reserves the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned without the consent of the vehicle owner.
Only minor personal vehicle repairs may be carried out on the Park. (Motor oils and other products of this nature must not be discharged into the drains or onto the roads or car park).
You must not park boats, camper vans, motorhomes, touring caravans or trailers of any sort on the Park. No light or heavy goods vehicles, recovery vehicles, minibuses, large transit/panel style vans, flat beds, low loaders, tent trailers or any other similar vehicle are permitted on the Park. Only one commercial vehicle per home is permitted. Any further commercial vehicles per home may be permitted with written permission from the Board of Directors.
If external contractors are to be employed to carry out any work to the home or to the pitch you should ensure that they are competent to do the work proposed by you in order to maintain a safe environment on the Park. Contractors must have the relevant public liability insurance, a copy of which must be lodged with the Park Office before commencement of any works.
Park home owners must insure and keep the park home insured with an organisation that is registered with the FSA against loss or damage by fire and liabilities to other people and property. An up to date copy of this insurance must be lodged with the Park Office.
It is recommended that all gas appliances are serviced annually by an approved engineer and the electrical supply inside your home is tested every 3 years by an approved electrician. Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are also recommended and are your responsibility and must be tested/serviced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Shed electrics must not be tampered with and any modifications that may be needed must be put in writing to The Board before any works commence.
Occupiers must not permit wastewater to be discharged onto the ground.
The park home owner is responsible for the sewerage connection from ground level upwards, for electrical connections, and gas connections from the meter housing.
All external water pipes must be lagged by the park home owner against potential frost damage. The park home owner will be liable for any loss of water due to their failure to do so or from any other failure on the section of the water service for which the park home owner is responsible.
Do not introduce foreign objects into the sewerage system such as toilet wipes, cleaning cloths, nappies, sanitary products, baby wipes, condoms, or cooking fat/oil.
Pets are allowed on the Park with a maximum of two domestic pets. This limit also applies to caged birds. Other small animals of a type kept permanently within a cage or tank (e.g. fish, small reptiles or small rodents) will not be limited.
Occupiers must obtain prior permission from the Board of Directors to keep ALL PETS.
This means either:
2 dogs or
2 cats or
1 dog and 1 cat
Attention is drawn to the fact that no outside pet enclosure (see Mobile Homes Act 2013) is allowed to be erected on any plot without the Board’s permission.
All pets must be looked after and, with the exception of cats, not allowed to roam the Park.
Dogs must be kept on leads at all times while on the Park, except when in a secure garden, and are NOT allowed in the communal recreational area.
If a dog fouls on the Park, this must be cleared up immediately. Dog owners MUST also keep their plots clear of any dog fouling.
Continual barking of dogs will not be permitted and owners could be in breach of contract.
The Company reserves the right to consult with the RSPCA if they feel an animal is not suitable for a mobile home or is not being suitably looked after. If the RSPCA confirms the above the Company will request that the owner follows the RSPCA recommendations or permission for the animal to be removed. (RSPCA means Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Noise should be kept to a minimum and in particular:
musical instruments, record players, radios, televisions and other appliances must not be used so as to cause a nuisance to others, especially between the hours of 11 p.m. (eleven p.m.) and 7.00 a.m. (seven a.m.)
Cutting of lawns, use of power tools, etc, or building work is not permitted between the hours of 9.00 p.m. (nine p.m.) and 7.00 a.m. (seven a.m.).
Children: Occupiers are responsible for the conduct of children in their custody and for that of their guests, visitors, employees or workmen employed by them.
Guns, firearms or offensive weapons of any description must not be used on the Park and must only be kept with a license from the appropriate police authority.
Garages are the property of Whelpley Hill Park Limited, and are not sold with your property. When your property is sold and you are renting a garage/s, the garage/s must be cleared and returned immediately to Whelpley Hill Park Limited on completion of your sale.
Garages are to be used solely by residents of the Park, and are not to be sublet or used by any other person/s.
You are at liberty to work individually from your home by carrying out any office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at your home.
Residents who fail to pay their rent will be charged interest on the arrears, which would be bank base rate plus 3.5%. The point at which you will be charged interest will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Breaches of Agreement
Will be dealt with by the Company’s firm of Solicitors, and any legal costs incurred by Whelpley Hill Park Limited will be recovered from the resident concerned.
If a resident wishes to purchase a new park home, the following procedure will apply:
The new park home will be purchased via Whelpley Hill Park Limited
Residents may qualify for a discount on the purchase of a new home. Discount is pro-rata over 3 years (36 months). If you sell your new home within 3 years (36 months), then you pay back to Whelpley Hill Park Limited the discount you received on a pro-rata basis.
The de-siting of the old home and the siting of the new home will be carried out by contractors approved by Whelpley Hill Park Limited
The costs of de-siting and re-siting will be met by the resident as below:
De-site, removal and scrap of old park home
Ground works for new home if required
Transport of new home from manufacturer to park
Siting of new home
Water and waste connections
Gas installation and checks
Electrical connections and checks
Any other requirements
If a new resident wishes to purchase an existing home and replace with a new one, the above Rules will also apply, after purchase from an existing resident.